Photo Galleries by Garden Type

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Large plants like this Firebush, Hamelia patens, shrub can also be good attractors to butterflies and in this case, hummingbirds and songbirds

Plants for Butterflies

Plants for Butterflies

Florida is home to many species of butterflies, and the plants that host them can come together to create a colorful and diverse landscape. While there are many ways to feed those hungry caterpillars, keeping fed the butterflies they turn into is equally as important. Having a mix of nectar sources and host plants will create a yard capable of supporting these wonderful flying critters.

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Chickasaw Plum, Prunus angustifolia, has a showy winter / spring bloom that draws the butterflies and plums that feed the wildlife

Plants for Pollinators

Plants for Pollinators

Housing an incredible number of pollinators calls for an equally diverse number of plants to support them. In Florida, the Land of Flowers, we have an staggering number of wildflower species, and many of them are available to be planted in your landscape! Many shrubs, trees and even palms are also great sources of nectar for pollinators.

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An urban oasis

Florida native gardens

Florida native gardens

Florida native landscapes consist of plants that exist naturally in Florida’s ecosystems. While becoming established, native plants require some measure of care, including supplemental irrigation, trimming, weed control, and mulch. After that, these plants thrive without much attention since they are in their natural habitat.

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Jamaica Caper, Quadrella jamaicensis, is a very ornamental native shrub or small tree that is known to have its roots in tidal zones in some locations

Coastal gardens

Coastal gardens

Our coasts are one of the most important ecosystems we have in Florida, and quite possibly the most important to our location in Pinellas county. They buffer us from dangerous storm activity while boasting an incredible diversity of plant species. They also provide habitat for a number of important wildlife species. Coastal gardens take these concepts into the landscape and include common adaptations like drought and salt tolerance.

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Native potted plants

Container Gardens and Potted Plants

Container Gardens and Potted Plants

Container gardening allows for complete flexibility in what you can grow. You can fully control factors like soil composition, sun exposure and moisture availability. Being able to manipulate these factors to benefit different types of plants means that you can grow an incredible diversity of plants -that grow in completely different environments- right next to each other.

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Schedule Your Consultation Today!

We will provide the expert guidance to help you select the right plants to achieve your vision and at your level of care and upkeep so that your garden or landscape thrives.

The price for a residential consultation varies based on size of the property and scope of the project, but typically start at $105. Commercial consultations are quoted based on size of the property and scope of the project, and are given by the designer before the consultation. Our designers will inform you of all fees prior to the appointment. We look forward to delivering a new sustainable landscape design that fits your needs, timeline, and budget.