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Sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum) is a well loved deciduous large shrub or small tree maturing from 12 to 25 feet. It is the lar
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Sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum) is a well loved deciduous large shrub or small tree maturing from 12 to 25 feet. It is the largest growing of the Blueberry family in North America.With a little cool weather, the leaves will give some late fall color before dropping for the winter and it displays ornamental red peeling bark. Spring flowers resemble tiny, white bells. The fruit has thin, slightly sweet pulp and large seeds consumed by wildlife. The purple berry is shiny and its appearance gives it the common name Sparkleberry. Butterflies and birds are attracted to its flowers and fruit. Plant in moist, sunny locations. Sparkleberry is not as demanding of acidic soil condition as other Blueberries and although it is slow, it should be used in landscaping more often.
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