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Wilcox Plant Toughness Scale

by | Nov 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

Wilcox Plant Toughness Scale

Welcome to Wilcox Nursery and Landscape’s plant toughness scale where we will grade retail plants on a scale of 1-10 on their establishment success in the landscape.

A grade of 1 will be the toughest plants to establish and a grade of 10 will be the easiest plants to establish in the landscape. Here we go!

1- Experienced gardener recommended. These plants require optimal conditions, and close monitoring of water and nutrient needs as well as integrated pest management. You’ll need an outstanding gardeners ego and challenging expectations to grow this plant.

2- You’ll basically need to be a pro to grow this one. These plants will need your five senses to be sure they are thriving. Monitor closely and do your research for the best outcome.

3- This one will be a challenge. If you are up for giving your gardening skills a challenge, this is the plant for you. Do your research and make sure the site conditions are optimal.

4- Please consult with a nursery specialist or grower regularly on this plant. You’ll want some advise as time passes, especially in the beginning. Pay close attention to watering needs and adjust accordingly.

5- This plant may pose its trials and tribulations, but chances of success are equally as high. If in the right location, you should expect to monitor this plant every few days.

6- You will need some experience determining watering and nutrient needs, as well as some experience identifying common landscape pests for this one. Be sure to keep some neem oil and copper fungicide on hand and know you also may need to address watering concerns by hand.

7- This plant will work for most! When planted in the right location, this one is sure to thrive!

8- This plant has good roots! Planting this one can be relatively challenge free in most locations, but too wet or too dry and the plant could be doomed.

9- This plant will work for most! If you’re looking for a plant that won’t demand much, then pick this one!

10- This is one tough plant! Try planting this when nothing else seems to work, or for those lacking a green thumb!

And there you have it! Challenge your skills by judging a plant species at the nursery based on this scale!

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